The list of cultivars for vg0604294396 with genotype T in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Qingsiai16B C025 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239625
88B-2 C031 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239631
Zhengxian232 C175 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239775
CM1;_HAIPONG W137 Indica Intermediate Vietnam SRR1239940
GUYANE_1 W145 Indica Intermediate Chad SRR1239948
Gang46B W155 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239958
Bg300 W180 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka SRR1239983
Jiangxisimiao W201 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1240004
OM1706 W227 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240030
Ajaya W242 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240045